Can Public-Private Partnership Limit Corruption in Lebanon?


LIMS recently published a policy brief within its APPLE C (Apply Public Procurement Law to End Corruption) program, shedding light on the challenges facing Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Lebanon. The brief underscores the detrimental practices within PPPs that sidestep open and competitive bidding processes in favor of pre-selected companies. Ministers often tailor tender conditions to stifle competition and accommodate a specific private entity, often linked through cronyism. This lack of genuine competition in PPPs results in inflated service costs for the public and subpar service quality.

Furthermore, the absence of competition undermines public trust and discourages potential suppliers from participating in public contracts, exacerbating the cycle of limited competition and increased corruption. The brief emphasizes the critical importance of adhering to open and competitive procedures in selecting private partners, rather than favoring cronies under the guise of a PPP.

Additionally, the brief delves into the intricacies of PPP regulations, highlighting that current legislation confines competition to the “Competitive Dialogue” procedure while neglecting other methods that could foster creativity and innovation. Hence, there is an urgent need to reform the legal framework to rectify past failures, enabling true competition and equal opportunities for all stakeholders, to properly offer basic services to the population.

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