June 2018


June 2018, N°8
Here’s How We Made a Lasting Impact in June 2018
More Independent Power Producers Needed in Lebanon
June 21, 2018 - An-Nahar Newspaper, Beirut, Lebanon
For the first time in Lebanon, an independent power producer (IPP) has been allowed to operate. LIMS President, Dr. Patrick Mardini explained that this government initiative will open the door for more IPPs to enter the electricity market and avoid the institutional problems that have been blocking the construction of new power plants.
He noted that the cost of converting fuel to electricity is 2.95 cents per kilowatt hour in the IPP factory, which is half the cost the government pays to rent out power ships. He also argued that the distribution market should also be opened to competition.

Click Here to Read the Full Article in Arabic.
Lebanon’s Summer Still in Darkness Due to Central Planning
June 6, 2018 – MTV News Studio, Beirut, Lebanon

Dr. Mardini explained that the government had set a budget for electricity based on $65 per barrel oil price. Today however, oil prices have increased to $75, which puts the government in a deficit and makes it unable to produce enough electricity. He also ridiculed the government’s decision to build new factories, when it does not have enough money to buy fuel. Dr. Mardini insisted on cutting subsidies on electricity and improving the bill collection rate as the initial and only steps towards a healthy solution.

Click Here to Watch the Full Interview in Arabic.
It’s Not Up to the Government to Decide where Lebanon Buys Electricity
June 1, 2018 - Manar TV Studio, Beirut, Lebanon
During its last session, the government was trying to decide whether Lebanon should buy electricity from Turkish power ships or from the Syrian government. The Minister of Energy and Water explained that the Syrian option would cost an extra $15.6 million, as compared to the power ships and argued in favor of the latter. Dr. Mardini explained on the Nahar Jadid show, that both options are unacceptable, as it is not for the government or the minister to decide on where to buy electricity from, based on a study.  The government should allow for all potential suppliers to offer their services including private independent power producers.

Click Here to Watch the Full Interview in Arabic
Intellectual Foundations for a Free and Virtuous Society
June 19-22, 2018 – Devos Place, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Lebanon has 18 recognized sects, including Christian, Shia, Sunni, and Druze. Since the country’s independence in 1943, seats in the Lebanese parliament have been allocated by sect and most Lebanese political parties are religious by nature. Ms. Kristelle Mardini, LIMS director and Dr. Patrick Mardini attended the annual Acton University to learn more about the relation between religion and sound, market-based economics in efforts of promoting a virtuous and non-violent society in Lebanon. The four-day event brought together distinguished scholars, leaders, and entrepreneurs from the USA and abroad. 
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Policy Fair - October, 2018

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