August 2018

Here’s How We Made a Lasting Impact in August 2018
The Nature and Origins of Financial Instability
August 9, 2018 - The Invisible Hand Podcast by the Adam Smith Center, Singapore

Dr. Mardini highlighted the role of the low interest rate policy adopted by monetary authorities in the early 2000s and of the US government-sponsored entities such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in encouraging banks to lend money to subprime borrowers.
This artificial boom was followed by an unavoidable bust leading to bank runs, financial contagion, and the transmission to the US economy, which then spread worldwide. While many economists rely on the multiplier theory to defend expansionary policies, Dr. Mardini shows that those analyses fall into the “broken window fallacy”.
Listen to the Podcast in English Here
Imaginecon18:  Future of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Progress
August 10-11, 2018 – Lifelong Learning Institute, Singapore
Dr. Patrick Mardini was invited by the Adam Smith Center in Singapore, to discuss the future of blockchain and finance. He retraced the monetary origins of the business cycle and explained the challenges facing the central bank, in the conduct of monetary policy. Dr. Mardini then presented alternative solutions inspired from the work of economist F.A. Hayek, on the denationalization of money and debated the ability of cryptocurrencies to replace fiat money.
Click Here for the Pictures and Dr. Patrick's Presentation
Liberty International World Conference - LIWC
August 12-15, 2018 – Krakow, Poland
Over 120 academics, entrepreneurs, professionals, NGO leaders, and students from 24 countries met in Krakow, to discuss current topics related to freedom. LIMS was represented by Ms. Kristelle Mardini and Dr. Patrick Mardini, and presented the major economic challenges facing Lebanon, including high debt, excessive public spending, and bad infrastructure, which are related to an institutionalized system of rent extraction. Dr. Mardini argued that this high rent is the price Lebanon pays for peace. He also presented how LIMS works with political parties on specific policy reforms.
Click Here for the Pictures and Here for a Brief Video Summary
LIMS is Turning the Lights on in Lebanon
August 30, 2018 – Featured on Atlas Network’s Website
Atlas Network featured LIMS’ work to reform the electricity sector in Lebanon, as daily power blackouts are a constant part of life for Lebanese residents. LIMS has recently had success in allowing a private company to enter the electricity market and in having less electricity subsidies adopted by the government, through its project Turn the Lights on in Lebanon.
Read the Article in English Here
Lebanon's Power Barges Take a Toll on the Environment
August 27, 2018 – Report by Leila Molana-Allen of FRANCE 24, Beirut, Lebanon

Barges managed by the Karadeniz power ships from Turkey have been providing Lebanon with electricity for years, however that has come at a hefty price. Residents of the town Zouk Mikael, have long been complaining to the government about the environmental problems the power ships have brought along with them.
According to Dr. Mardini, president of LIMS, for a decade now, the Ministry of Energy’s criteria for electricity has not been to choose the cleanest energy source, the cheapest, or most efficient, the time horizon has been the most crucial aspect.
Read the Article in English Here and in French Here.
September 25, 2018

A Zero Dollar Solution for the Water Disaster in Lebanon

Press Conference
October 6, 2018

LIMS Leaders Academy - LLA 2018

Policy Fair & Graduation Gala Dinner
October 8, 2018

The Challenges of the 2019 State Budget

Round-Table Discussion with Lebanese MPs
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