LLA 401 Policy Fair is designed to help participants pitch their policy proposition in just one minute, to a crowd of experts and professionals. The crowd suggests insights, feedback, and experience to help participants overcome the challenges. A group of trained facilitators makes sure that each group aggregates the dispersed information, into a structured body of knowledge.

By the end of LLA 401, participants will be able to:

  • Advocate for their policy proposition.
  • Discuss the topic with experts, in an informal manner.
  • Expand their own professional network.
  • Crowdsource the content of their paper, by having others contribute with ideas and solutions.


  • Each group has a booth.
  • Participants from each group will be at the booth.
  • One representative of each group takes the stage, presents their policy proposition, and encourages attendees to visit their group’s booth – all in just one minute.
  • Around 50 attendees will then visit the stands and share their ideas with the staff of political parties, write their comments, and move on to the next stand.
  • Duration: Two hours.

2019 and 2020 Edition

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LLA 401 Photo Album

2018 Edition

Follow the link below for LLA 401 album on our Facebook page

LLA 401 Photo Album

2017 Edition

Follow the link below for LLA 401 album on our Facebook page

LLA 401 Photo Album